Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Revolutions

The last night of FUEL for 2009 was a great night. We had a great time of worship and I spoke on spiritual disciplines as a means of change for 2010. These New Year's revolutions are vital to a believer and what better time to recommit your life to them than at the beginning of a new year. The revolutions consisted of 1. Read the Bible, 2. Pray to God, 3. Give to God, 4. Go to Church, and 5. Serve Others. These 5 spiritual disciplines are things we do but may not actually commit ourselves to. My challenge to our students was to make a commitment to doing these things more, more effectively, or even just to start doing them in general. The reasons behind these disciplines is because God commands us and expects us to do these things. God has done His part by revealing Himself through Scipture and we can follow that with praying returning favor to Him, meeting with a body of believers, and serving those in need. I pray I can make the same transformation for this coming year to improve my walk with Christ by doing these things better.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kentucky Wildcats Basketball Wins #2000 And I Was There!

Monday night, December 21st at 7 pm the Kentucky Wildcats started a game against Drexel University at Rupp Arena. I was in attendance with my wife, Lori, and sitting in section 230 row FF seats 5 and 6. The game was a blowout with UK winning 88-44. Demarcuse Cousins and Patrick Patterson led the team in scoring with 18 points a piece and John Wall had 16 points along with 7 assists. Cousins also led the way with 13 rebounds in the rout. #3 ranked Kentucky improved to 12-0 on the season with historical win #2000. Immediately after the game, confetti and streamers filled the air of Rupp Arena and the crowd stayed standing in their places. No one was leaving early from this celebration. After the game Coach John Calipari and his team came to center court with a microphone. He addressed the crowd about how this team has only had a small part in the wins at Kentucky but that the fans have been here the entire time. Calipari said, "People have a pride in their Commonwealth's team and it means something to them." He also handed the microphone to Coach Adolph Rupp's son who told of how proud his father would have been. Former coach, Joe B. Hall, and former players (Jamal Mashburn, Kenny "Sky" Walker, etc.) were all in attendance for the momentous occasion. The evening was great and I look forward to #3000 but first a National Championship is in order - maybe the 2010 one? :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Went to NYC to Watch the CATS Play UConn

I was in New York City last week from Wednesday 12/9 to Saturday 12/12. Lori and I went to Madison Square Garden to watch the Kentucky Wildcats beat the UConn Huskies 64-61! The game was great as it came down to the wire with the CATS pulling it out. I made a sign and took it with me... it read "The Great Wall of Kentucky Stretches from Lexington to NYC". It was so good that it got me on ESPN several times. I got texts throughout the game from friends and family saying they saw me on TV. It made the game that much more fun! We also toured Yankee Stadium and saw the restaurant used in Seinfeld. We went to a Broadway show called "Memphis" which was also very good. We had a great time in NYC with Lori's friend Tashena who lives there. It made for a great trip and some wonderful memories!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Days Divide Performs at FUEL

Last night at FUEL we replaced our typical Wednesday night with an acoustic concert by the Christian rock band DAYS DIVIDE. It was a great night where we had 50 people in attendance to hear some great music. Days Divide played their acoustic versions of their rock songs. The students absolutely loved it. They got so caught up in the atmosphere with jumping around, clapping to the beat, singing along, and dancing... no, make that interpretive movement! :) It was a great night put on by some great Christian men who have brought their love for music and God to a whole new level. I am thankful for their ministry and I pray that God will continue to bless these guys! Check out their website

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Will Media and Technology Save the Church?

I recently read an article by Scott McClellan on Collide Magazine's Blog entitled "Will Media and Technology Save the Church?." I agree with Mr. McClellan that media and technology will not save the church because the church does not need saving. The church of Jesus Christ is made to outlast all things and at no point will it need to be saved. Media and technology are great compliments to the work of the church but nothing will ever overtake the Gospel as the priority of the local church. We are called to make disciples of all nations, not to entertain them with flashing lights, smoke machines, and great animated powerpoint presentations. Those are things are not bad in themselves, but if they becaome the priority of the church then we have taken a serious misstep and we must go back and correct that. I believe these things truly enhance worship of our Lord and Savior but, like Mr. McClellan, they will never fill the enormous shoes of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Listen, Receive, and Do God's Word

In FUEL last night we studied James 1:19-25 which is about listening, receiving, and doing God's Word. We have to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger when it comes to listening to God's Word. We often hear God's Word but don't often "hear" it. We have too much other junk in our lives that interferes with our listening to His Holy Word. We are commanded to receive God's Word upon listening to it. But often we are consumed with moral filth and evil that take up our heart and mind. But we must remove all that filth from our lives so that we can grow spiritually and take in more of God's Word. The process of spiritual growth begins at the salvation experience and then the sanctification process of removing the bad and filling it with the goodness of God. Once we listen and receive God's Word, we then must do God's Word. The doing is the part we all struggle with because we often "forget" what we have just heard or learned just like "a man who forgets what he looks like just after looking in the mirror"(v. 22-23). We need to remove the nastiness in our lives and replace it with the joy and greatness of Jesus Christ. Don't be angry and grumpy, but be joyful because of your Savior!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Source of Temptation

This week's FUEL study was on "The Source of Temptation". We continued in our study on James by looking at 1:13-18. In this passage we read the God does not tempt anyone and He is not capable of tempting anyone. So, where does all the evil in the world come from? This passage explains that temptation/sin come from our own evil desires and the work of Satan in our lives. We are fallen, sinful people and Satan uses our inner evil desires to help us sin. He caters to our evil desires by dropping hints and making suggestions for us to give into. So, if you have an evil desire to be rich then Satan will provide opportunities where it seems you may become rich by doing something evil. He may provide an opportunity for you to hurt someone in order to gain money. It may look appealing because of the financial gain but sin will occur because of giving into the temptation. What we need to do is grow spiritually in life where we can flee from our evil desires and pursue after the One and only righteous God of the universe. We must rely on Him and His desire for our lives because this life is not our own but it belongs to Him, as we are His followers and have been redeemed by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Testing of Faith

The testing of our faith is evident by James 1:2-12. We will be tested with the goal being that we pass the test. Not only should we pass the test but we should persevere through the trial by relying on our faith. Our faith should be strong enough to be confident in what God can do and then expect Him to deliver us through each and every situation. God allows for us to be tested in "many ways" because He needs to see that our faith is not merely spoken but acted out when the time comes. James tells us to "consider it pure joy" when we face trials because it will develop the persistence of our faith. The reason behond the trials is to be able to present the believer as "mature and complete". We will need wisdom from God to encounter trials and defeat them successfully. Verse 12 says, "blessed are those who persevere under trial." We will be rewarded for persevering through trials from within (tempatation of sin) and without (persecution). You can only receive the prize if you have entered the competition of a life with Jesus Christ. We will all struggle but only those who have Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and are able to persevere to the end will receive the "crown of life".

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fear of Commitment

Last night in FUEL we discussed the "Fear of Commitment". We all struggle with committing to things, either too many commitments or too few. The question we must ask ourselves, is are we committed to the right things? What do your commitments involve? Are you committed to things you don't really care about or want to put your time and effort into? Are you committed to the things that you value and are most passionate about? You must first realize what you value so that you may make the appropriate commitments towards it. My passions and values are in who God is and what He has done so I make commitments that allow me to work towards God and put my energy and efforts towards Him. So ask yourself, am I committed to the God who created me, the one who sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for me? OR am I committed to the meaningless things of this earth that are insignificant in the grand scheme of eternity? I pray that you will commit yourself to God and to Him alone becuase He provides the greatest benefits and none of the costs. After all, what do you have to lose?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fear of Rejection

I spoke at FUEL on October 21 about "The Fear of Rejection" and how it can run our daily lives. This fear is perhaps the greatest fear facing today's youth. They are constantly under-attack to be more like another person, dress like them, speak like them, act like them, listen to the same music as them, do the same foolish things as them, etc. I pray that youth of today will be able to hear the Gospel message about a God who loves them for who they are, faults included. I hope they can learn that being rejected by people has no consequences for for the after-life but being rejected by God can affect you for all eternity. We need to live life for an audience of one and only try to gain God's approval because man's opinions are just that, opinions of people who will die just like us.
(See Matthew 10:28)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Preaching at My Alma-Mater Hannibal LaGrange College

I had the great opportunity to preach at my alma-mater Hannibal LaGrange College yesterday, October 14, 2009. It was truly a great honor and I enjoyed every minute of my time there. Dr. Tom Hufty gave me this opportunity and I am truly thankful him doing so. I got to see many old faces and bring back some great memories. Alyssa Askew, a current HLG student and a member of Bethel Baptist Church (my home church) led worship before I spoke. I spoke for about 30 minutes on Mark 10:17-22, the story of "The Rich Young Ruler". You can check out my sermon at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The NEW FUEL Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, September 23rd, begins a new format for our Wednesday evening youth event called FUEL. We have been mostly Bible study oriented but now taking it to more of a worship service type event. I had acquired a guy to lead worship for us beginning tomorrow but he just agreed to go to Germany for a couple weeks with his son's band. So, I have been pumping up this NEW FUEL and now my worship leader has gone AWOL. So I tried to recruit a teenage guy from the homeschool group that meets here at the church. He offered up a whole band for us to have play tomorrow night! But then he went on to say let me check and make sure we can do it. he is supposed to let me know today if they will be here or not. I am hoping and praying that God will provide this need for our ministry. If all goes well we may try and continue this partnership with these guys so that we may have an even more effective service. I am not too worried because I know God is in control of the situation... as always!

Monday, August 31, 2009

God as our "Ultimate Creator"

Before "time" God was there. I often forget that before creation God was there and I now wonder what He did before He created earth. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..." The beginning spoken of here is our beginning as a created species on a created planet with created heavens and earth. God was and is the supreme being and authority in our lives, in humanity, on earth, and in the heavens and space around our planet. As the "ultimate creator" God creatively made all that we know including us. Each of us is different in some way... physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. We, like God, are also creative but in our own way. We cannot create something out of nothing (ex nihilo) like God did. What we can do is show God's love to others in creative ways. We have the ability to create ways to reach others and share the gospel with them. I pray that we can actively seek out creative ways to reach people and minister to them in a variety of ways.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Clean Hands and a Pure Heart

I am 1 hour away from FUEL where I will be speaking out of Psalm 24:1-6. The topic is Give Us Clean Hands and a Pure Heart. We must strive to present ourselves sanctified, pure, and clean before God each day. We let too many things in our life run how we live our life. Possessions are what push us, not the passion for a relationship with our Father in heaven. I pray that my students will learn something tonight that will speak to them in a way that will push them to flee from the things of this world and pursue God. I hope they will set aside the idols, emotions, and physical "needs" they think mean everything to life. We will be writing things that come between us and God onto a large canvas that already has a clean hand identical to the on in this picture. The words of... anger, sadness, friends, pain, status, beauty, etc. will fill up the space that surrounds the hand to leave only a "clean hand" which is purified by setting aside all the things in our life that lead us astray. When you meet God and He stretches out His hand to you... will you be able to grab His hand or will you end up handing Him your cell phone, your computer, list of people you hate, a list of people who are "more beautiful than you", etc. You need to have clean hands to be able to grab thhe hand of your creator when it comes to that day and each day when you spend your time with Him - you should pursue purity as if He is right next to you... because HE IS!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baptizing My First Youth

Last Sunday August 9th I got to baptize a rising-sophomore named Brittany. She got saved while we were at camp and I got to baptize her as my second ever baptism but my first youth! It was truly a great day where our church was able to celebrate with her in the salvation that we all have in Jesus Christ. I look forward to baptizing so many more students in my ministry. God was revealed that day and as He is everyday. I only hope to catch a glimpse of His greatness each and every day. I know this can happen if I wake up each day looking for what God has planned for me and not what desires I have planned for myself. Thank you God for your greatness and mercy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Month of July!!!!!!!!

WOW! July was a great month for me. It began with taking 11 youth to Cedarville, Ohio for Student Life Missions Camp (6-10). We had one girls get saved and another who rededicated her life to Christ. We did work at Adcare Hearth and Home for alzheimers patients. the kids really enjoyed it and now we will begin doing it hear in Lexington in September. Jeremy Kingsley was a great speaker and Rush of Fools did a great job leading worship. The lead singer, Wes, came and spoke to our group one night along with Dustin, the lead guitarist. It was great to meet and greet with those guys in a small personal setting. The day after we got back from camp I left for Peru for a week (11-18). Where do I begin... I got to preach on the 12th twice. Once in the morning to 53 youth where 27 were saved and once in the evening where over 25 were saved. We handed out hundreds of Bibles throughout the week in Lima, Gomorrah, and Pachacutec. We got to share the Gospel and hand out blankets to prostitutes in downtown Lima where several were saved. It was a great week where hundreds were saved and hundreds more had seeds planted. I came back to Lexington for a week before heading to Las Vegas/San Diego for Cory Wells' wedding (29-3). In Las Vegas we saw 2 Cirque du Soleil shows - LOVE and O. They were awesome! I got to play TPC Las Vegas where I shot 73. We drove to Riverside, CA for Cory's wedding on the 1st and then on the 2nd drive to LaJolla where I played Torrey Pines South with Marc Mangiafico. I shot 76 there with an eagle on 13. It was a great day... I loved it! Ahhhhhh the month of July is now over.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School was this week. We had a great turnout of close to 100 kids each day. The theme was Boomerang Express. I dressed up a little Australian on Sunday monring and did the announcements with an "aussie" accent and wrestled a blow up alligator, ummm gecko actually. I couldn't find an alligator. Anyways it was a great week and we had many families attend that are not affiliated with our church in any way which means we have a list of visits to make starting next week. Also, mine and Lori's anniversary was last night and we went to Malone's and ate some wonderful filet mignon. 3 years and counting!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's been 2 1/2 months and I haven't written anything!

So i have been a little busy and haven't written a thing for 2 and 1/2 months. SO here is a recap of what has gone on in that time. Church softball has started and we stink. We are "un-victorious" this season with 4 games left. Lori and I went to Philadelphia to visit Andy and Kasey and had a great time. We saw the Rocky statue, ate cheesesteaks, went to a Phillies game, and saw the Liberty Bell and all the buildings there. Then there was the 30 Hour Famine with the youth on April 24-26 weekend. We didn't eat for 30 hours and we played games at the church and began the tearing down in the gym to make way for the renovation which starts next week. I also got to preach on Famine Sunday and the students did all the work in the service (ushers, greeters, singers, children's sermon, etc.). We raised $2500 for hungry children across the world. On May 11th I tried to qualify for the US Open and failed miserably. Wwell it wasn't that bad but I didn't qualify. I finish 33rd out of 80 or so. Not too bad for a youth pastor! Lastly I went on vacation last week to Destin, Florida with Lori, Stacey, TJ, and Madelyn. We had a blast. The weather was great, food was great, golf and swimming were great. We even got to meet up with the Lyons' family at AJ's for dinner our last night and there 2nd night there which was a great time! OH, and how could I forget that I won an all-expense paid trip to Los Angeles through Catalyst for my dominating NCAA bracket. I had 14 of Sweet 16, 8 of Elite 8, 4 of Final Four, 1 of Final 2, and the Champion picked correctly! I get to go on that trip next April. I won the trip out of 15,000 people which was awesome. OK now I have caught up everything so I can back to writing on here a little more frequently!

Monday, March 16, 2009

College Retreat Reflection

I just returned yesterday from a 3 day trip to Pigeon Forge, TN with our college students from Broadway. There were 10 of us on the trip and we did a whole lot of nothing while we were there. We watched TV, went shopping, played pool and various other games, and of course we did a Bible study over the weekend. We watched a video series called UNSTUCK by Dave Edwards. This video Bible series was about how we get stuck in things that we should have relied on God to take care of in the first place! We don't rely on God like He asks us to or like He would love for us to. We think we can handle any situation thrown at us when in reality we can't. We wait until we are in over our heads before we cry out to God for help. We have to have hope in who God is and in what He can do. This hope will lead us to faith in those same things and then action carried out as we depend on God to guide and lead us through our situation. Find your hope so you can have the faith in what God is capable of doing in your life. Don't limit God on what He can do, because He can do all things because, well... He is GOD!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pastor Fred Winters

This morning at 8:55 a.m. a gunmen walked in to FBC Maryville, Illinois. He walked down the center aisle minutes into Pastro Fred Winters sermon. He approached the stage with gun in hand and Fred asked him how he could help the man. The man pointed the gun towards Fred and fired 3 times. The man was tackled by 4 members of the church where 2 of them were stabbed and the gunmen attempted to stab himself during the scuffle. 4 people were taken to the hospital including Fred. Pastor fred winters later died from the injuries received during the attack. Pastor Fred leaves behind his wife, Cindy, and 2 children. Pastor Fred Winters was my pastor for 8 years. He baptized me during junior high and was a great influence on my life, my walk with the Lord, and my current career in ministry. I thank him for all the lives he reached through the years. He will be missed by many people from the Maryville area and the surrounding communities. I pray God will watch over his family and see them through this difficult situation.

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Ordination Service

Last night, Sunday March 1, I was ordained at Broadway Baptist Church in Lexington, KY. Pastor John Birchett led the service with the Drex Kemplin, the chairman of the deacons, giving the candidate presentation on behalf of the deacons, Pastor John, Music Minister Jeff Randolph, and Brother James Heard after my completion of the council on February 21st. The service was great. Pastor John spoke out of 2 Timothy 2:14-30. Rebecca Seitz, Kevin Tolliver, and Megan Davis read scripture during the service as well. Brother Jeff led the singing with Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Just as I am, and others. I was encouraged by the number of ordained men (pastor, music minister, and deacons) that prayed for me while laying their hands on me. I received a Bible and an Ordination certificate from the church. A reception of Chic-Fil-A nuggets, cupcakes, and fruit foolowed the service. My parents and grandparents, Lori's parents and grandparents, and my sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and niece Madelyn were all in attendance for the occasion. It was a great night for glorifying God and I pray that I can continue to do so.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Faith Greater than a Furnace

I spoke at Woodford Christian School this morning to 100 kindergarten through 8th graders. It went well. I spoke on Daniel 3:13-29; the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. This is my all time favorite story from the Bible. It shows the blinded eyes of King Nebuchadnezzar and his confident attitude in his gods and his 90 foot tall golden idol. It also demonstrates the faith that these 3 men had in our God. Their faith was so strong that they knew without a doubt that God would save them from the fiery furnace and He did. They did not waver in their stance against placing another god before the One True God. They were a visible testimony to the king and all who were there for the glory of God and His capabilities. God performed a miracle so great that the king renounced his own gods and made God the head of the land and even place rules for required obedience and praise for Him. God did not let these faithful men down just like He doesn't let us down when we are in a time of need. Oh, to have faith like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Take a Stand

I am finishing the study with my student ministry tomorrow night on "Do Hard Things" which is a book by Alex and Brett Harris. This is the 5th and final week of the study and it deals with "Taking a Stand." The Harris' are 2 young men that have done the things they promote in their book and this 5th focus is no different. I only hope to proclaim this principle to my students in hopes that they would stop living for the world and live their life for the purpose of Jesus Christ. Pleasing people in the world today is only temporary and we can receive eternal blessings through glorifying Christ while we are here on earth. God commands us throughout the Bible to be free of this world and to proclaim Him only in the things that we do. We are to live in the world but not be of the world. Taking a stand for God requires being made fun of, persecuted, laughed at, uncomfortable, and uneasy but you will be respected once people realize you are sincere in your stand for God. Your sincerity must make it through the beginning of the stand and persevere to the end for ultimate glory in Jesus Christ. Listen to what Jesus says in John 17:14.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Southeast Conclave

I attended the Southeat Conclave last week on January 29, 30, and 31 in Atlanta, Georgia. There were some great speakers in Francis Chan, Chap Clark, and Ergun Caner along with great worship led by Todd Agnew and emcee Brock Gill (illusionist). I enjoyed my 3 days there and really got alot out of the time in seminars and worship. God spoke to me in some clear ways regarding our student ministry, campus outreach, mentoring, and the love of Christ for all! I am so excited to put into place some of the things God laid on my heart while I was there. I became convicted over the thought that everything I do for our student ministry needs to be Jesus-centered and the complete focus of all the programs and events we have. Everytime we get together we have to have the focus of Jesus to make our time together worthy and successful. In ministry, we get caught up in the events and details while forgetting the real reason for the events and programs. Jesus is the focus and must be evident in all that we do.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Missional Renaissance

I attended a conference on 1/22/09 at the Kentucky Baptist Convention building in Louisville, KY. The speaker was Reggie McNeal and the focus was his new book "Missional Renaissance". He was an enthusiastic guy who was a little scatter-brained at times, but a joy to listen to and hear his heart for the "missional" church. A "missional" church is a church who focus its attentions on reaching out to the community to demonstrate God's love to people. He proposes spending more time, efforts, and money on "blessing" the community around the church rather than "blessing" the current church. He used several examples to explain this process. He proposed that churches go into the community to serve rather than inviting people to service at church. He also stated that the church is just the airport to the greater destination - Heaven! I think churches spend too much time worrying about getting people in the door of the church where they need to spend time getting people in the door of heaven. He also talked about blessing people in the community by offering prayer up to people as much as possible (waiters, cashiers, etc.). I was challenged by his seminar and I look forward to using some of the things he talked about in my ministry.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Finish the Fight

I just returned from a Strength to Stand Conference operated by the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association. The theme was "Finish the Fight" and the entire eperience was amazing! My students loved the entire experience. We were able to hear great speakers: Jose Zayas, Dave Edwards, Scott Dawson, and David Nasser. We also heard some great worship leaders in Matt Papa and Shane & Shane along with a concert by Jeremy Camp. "Finish the Fight" is a Biblical model found in 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith." We are called to endure until the end and finish the fight. We are given the strength to do so through Christ Jesus and we must keep our faith in Him with our eyes on the prize. The prize of the crown of righteousness is a reward which will be given to me on the day of my judgment. My goal is to stand before God and Him to say "well done my good and faithful servant." I will not be perfect in my endeavor but I must try each and every day to accomplish something for the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where Does Truth Come From?

In today's society people challenge truth on a daily basis. Our world is filled with individuals who want truth but do not want it to include God in it. Truth cannot exist without God. People throughout history have tried to explain truth without involving God and have failed at it everytime. Truth begins with God being the supreme being of existence and continues through His Word and through His Son. Everything we try to justify by truth has to involve God's supreme authority and His deity. He created all things and continues to operate the world on a first-hand basis. His continual presence in our world is the final answer to all issues regarding truth. John 14:6 says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Living Life with a Purpose

Each day we wake up and do the things we always do for the sole reason of... ?
Is it just because we did it yesterday or because we can't think of anything else to do. We live out our daily life with no purpose or reason for the way we do it. God tells us throughout the Bible to live life with a purpose... a purpose of glorifying Him and receiving the gift of eternal life from Him. We cannot live a life that goes nowhere because we are scared. We must step out of our comfort zone and trust that God will lead us to a life that glorifies Him. We must have the purpose of God's glory driving us in each thing we do. We must wake up and say, "What can I do to glorify God today?" That is how God wants us to live and He commands us to do so.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Lukewarm Christian

In "Crazy Love" Francis Chan discusses a lukewarm Christian in chapter 4. A lukewarm Christian fits as a title to many of us who claim to be Christians. A lukewarm Christian can be summed up by saying they do and act the way they do because they are supposed to. There is evidence of Christ in their lives by their actions and speech but they only do these things out of fear of hell. The horrible part is they don't do them out of love for God. Love for God and a true relationship with Him should be what drives our actions, thoughts, and speech. Love for God should make us want to do things to help others and show His love. We are all caught up in doing things because of fear of hell not because of love for God. God does not need us like we need Him, but He wants us! How awesome that the God of all things cherishes a relathionship with us. If we are lukewarm Christians then we will be "spat out" as it says in Revelation 3:15-18. We will not have a place in heaven because we have not truly known Him. We must treat God as our best friend. Which must include but not limited to: talking to Him, constantly thinking about Him, wanting to introduce others to Him, etc. We need to bring the glory to God in ourwitnessing and serving. We do not need to be saying: look what I did today or look what I gave up for God. God deserves the glory and all of our heart, soul, mind, and body.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Crazy Love

I began reading Francis Chan's book "Crazy Love" yesterday. This books first 3 chapters have been amazing and I am so excited to continue it. Chan begins by discussing the obvious aspects of Christianity and the attributes of God. Chan has a way of describing these things that seems so straight-forward but yet is so descriptive and in-depth. He does a great job of "telling it like it is." He also discusses how the attributes of God are so complex and how we, as humans, cannot even describe them accurately enough because His nature is so far beyond our comprehension. Can't wait to update on the rest of the book later on.