I recently read an article by Scott McClellan on Collide Magazine's Blog entitled "Will Media and Technology Save the Church?." I agree with Mr. McClellan that media and technology will not save the church because the church does not need saving. The church of Jesus Christ is made to outlast all things and at no point will it need to be saved. Media and technology are great compliments to the work of the church but nothing will ever overtake the Gospel as the priority of the local church. We are called to make disciples of all nations, not to entertain them with flashing lights, smoke machines, and great animated powerpoint presentations. Those are things are not bad in themselves, but if they becaome the priority of the church then we have taken a serious misstep and we must go back and correct that. I believe these things truly enhance worship of our Lord and Savior but, like Mr. McClellan, they will never fill the enormous shoes of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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