This week's FUEL study was on "The Source of Temptation". We continued in our study on James by looking at 1:13-18. In this passage we read the God does not tempt anyone and He is not capable of tempting anyone. So, where does all the evil in the world come from? This passage explains that temptation/sin come from our own evil desires and the work of Satan in our lives. We are fallen, sinful people and Satan uses our inner evil desires to help us sin. He caters to our evil desires by dropping hints and making suggestions for us to give into. So, if you have an evil desire to be rich then Satan will provide opportunities where it seems you may become rich by doing something evil. He may provide an opportunity for you to hurt someone in order to gain money. It may look appealing because of the financial gain but sin will occur because of giving into the temptation. What we need to do is grow spiritually in life where we can flee from our evil desires and pursue after the One and only righteous God of the universe. We must rely on Him and His desire for our lives because this life is not our own but it belongs to Him, as we are His followers and have been redeemed by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ.
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