Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Lukewarm Christian

In "Crazy Love" Francis Chan discusses a lukewarm Christian in chapter 4. A lukewarm Christian fits as a title to many of us who claim to be Christians. A lukewarm Christian can be summed up by saying they do and act the way they do because they are supposed to. There is evidence of Christ in their lives by their actions and speech but they only do these things out of fear of hell. The horrible part is they don't do them out of love for God. Love for God and a true relationship with Him should be what drives our actions, thoughts, and speech. Love for God should make us want to do things to help others and show His love. We are all caught up in doing things because of fear of hell not because of love for God. God does not need us like we need Him, but He wants us! How awesome that the God of all things cherishes a relathionship with us. If we are lukewarm Christians then we will be "spat out" as it says in Revelation 3:15-18. We will not have a place in heaven because we have not truly known Him. We must treat God as our best friend. Which must include but not limited to: talking to Him, constantly thinking about Him, wanting to introduce others to Him, etc. We need to bring the glory to God in ourwitnessing and serving. We do not need to be saying: look what I did today or look what I gave up for God. God deserves the glory and all of our heart, soul, mind, and body.

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