Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Take a Stand

I am finishing the study with my student ministry tomorrow night on "Do Hard Things" which is a book by Alex and Brett Harris. This is the 5th and final week of the study and it deals with "Taking a Stand." The Harris' are 2 young men that have done the things they promote in their book and this 5th focus is no different. I only hope to proclaim this principle to my students in hopes that they would stop living for the world and live their life for the purpose of Jesus Christ. Pleasing people in the world today is only temporary and we can receive eternal blessings through glorifying Christ while we are here on earth. God commands us throughout the Bible to be free of this world and to proclaim Him only in the things that we do. We are to live in the world but not be of the world. Taking a stand for God requires being made fun of, persecuted, laughed at, uncomfortable, and uneasy but you will be respected once people realize you are sincere in your stand for God. Your sincerity must make it through the beginning of the stand and persevere to the end for ultimate glory in Jesus Christ. Listen to what Jesus says in John 17:14.

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