We continued with our latest series called "The Best Sex Ever" last Wednesday at FUEL. The topic for the week was "God's Word on Sex". We looked at many passages that discuss sexual impurity and sexual immorality while using passages that discussed obedience to God and the protection of our bodies. We studied how sex was created by God to be great, not just good and that sex is not just an urge, but a real temptation for people. We also looked at how sex is not just physical, like the world says, but that it is fully spiritual. God's Word is clear to present the pain and consequences that come from pre-marital sex or adultery within marriage. Our beliefs influence our behavior when it comes to our sexul decisions. The question is... do we rely on culture/society, feelings/emotions, or God's Word/standards for making our sexual decisions. God wants sex to be a great thing for us but within the context of marriage between a man and woman. He created it just like He created us. We need to be obedient to our Father in all things, including sexual decisions.