We finished up our "Man vs. Wild" series last night at FUEL. It was great to walk through the story of Jesus in the wilderness and to see the tempations He faced. The 3rd temptation that we covered was idol worship. Satan tells Jesus He can have all that He sees if He would bow down and worship him. Jesus denies Satan while saying, "Fear the Lord your God, and serve Him only" which comes from Deuteronomy 6:13. We looked at the issues of the idols in our lives; the things we put before our relationship with God. This can include money, power, fame, possessions, etc. I encouraged the (40+) students to spend their time focusing on God rather than on earthly, temporary things. We all want more of the things we do/don't have, but we struggle to want more of God. We fear Satan because of what he can do, but we don't fear God the one who has defeated Satan. Why do we do this? Why do we worry about what people think more than what God thinks? The only thing that matter for eternity is our relationship status with God. The things of this world make no difference in our eternal life. We must seek after the God who loves us and desires for us to be with Him once we depart from this place. "No one can serve 2 masters" (Matthew 6:24) and we must choose between God and the "junk" of this earth. What will you choose?