Before "time" God was there. I often forget that before creation God was there and I now wonder what He did before He created earth. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..." The beginning spoken of here is our beginning as a created species on a created planet with created heavens and earth. God was and is the supreme being and authority in our lives, in humanity, on earth, and in the heavens and space around our planet. As the "ultimate creator" God creatively made all that we know including us. Each of us is different in some way... physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. We, like God, are also creative but in our own way. We cannot create something out of nothing (ex nihilo) like God did. What we can do is show God's love to others in creative ways. We have the ability to create ways to reach others and share the gospel with them. I pray that we can actively seek out creative ways to reach people and minister to them in a variety of ways.